Highlights of Alt Binaries:
- 330 days binary retention
- 99%+ completion rate
- Up to 30 connections
- US & European servers
- 256 bit SSL encryption
- Free Newsreader
Note: 100 Proof News has moved their site over to Alt Binaries.
Web site:
News server addresses:
- East.AltBinaries.com (East Coast US, port 119)
- West.AltBinaries.com (West Coast US, port 119)
- Europe.AltBinaries.com (European, port 119)
- SSL.AltBinaries.com (US – SSL, port 443, 563 or 8080)
- EuropeSSL.AltBinaries.com (European SSL, port 563 or 80)
Plan types:
- unlimited Usenet
- metered Usenet
Service details:
- Binary retention: 330 days
- Text retention: 330 days
- Completion rate: 99%+
- Number of Newsgroups: 85,000
- Simultaneous Connections: 30
- Server farms: US and Europe (both secure)
- SSL Encryption: 256 bit SSL
- 24/7 online support
- email support: Support@AltBinaries.com
Newsreader – Custom News Rover free
Pricing plans:
- Unlimited: $12.95 a month
- 40 GB: $8.95 a month
- 10 GB: $4.25 a month
Payment options:
- Credit card, Google Checkout